Instant Grams Saves Valuable Parrot Chicks

Hi Denise

Thank you, I’m so happy to be getting a new bottle of Instant Grams!  I’m scraping out the bottom of my old bottle currently.

My experience with Instant Grams.

I once hand reared a dusky pionus chick that I had to remove out of the nest for the male had killed the other chicks. This one was unfortunately stunted in his growth, so I read a lot on the internet about nutrition for sickly birds etc. Then I came across your website with the Instant Gram and got one container thereafter. The little parrot didn’t make it in the meantime. But I was so glad to have the Instant Gram on hand now.

After that, if I did any hand rearing I would always add a little Instant Gram to the handrearing food. Then a while ago, I brought in a very thin, emaciated turquisine grass parakeet, which was not eating, and was literally starving. It’s keel bone was sticking out it was so thin!  He was weak and just sat on the bottom of the cage in a little bundle.  Some breeders call this “going light”. Not sure why this happens.

I then started giving him very regular, small feeds of just  Instant Gram, mixing in a very small amount of antibiotic and probiotic, via a crop needle. Luckily when I started it was over a weekend so I could feed him about every two hours little quantities. By the Monday when I started working he had already perked up and was looking more alert.  Then I would feed him Instant Gram before leaving for work and in the early evening and late evening. He started eating well on his own again but I still gave him Instant Gram via crop twice a day for another two weeks, and he started picking up weight.  He got back to normal weight after about a month. And is in perfect health.

I hand reared a Rosella chick a while ago, and once he was eating well put him out with other rosellas in a large cage. Last weekend I found him crouched in a bundle, thin and keel bone sticking out. I think because he was hand reared he didn’t adapt well being outside and missed his attention.

I immediately took him in, kept a covered small, warm, cage. He was so weak, he would fall off the perch. I started the same regime with the feeding of the Instant Gram. Also took about only three days, he is perking up now, and started eating.  I’ve moved him to a bit larger cage in the house.  He is still thin so I will give him extra Instant Gram twice daily for a while. But he is so much better, and perky, and looking his old happy self.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful product.




Posted on

16th March 2018